Independent news and stories connecting you to life in Australia and Oromo-speaking Australians. Ease into the English language and Australian culture. We make learning English convenient ...
He speaks Kiswahili, Afan Oromo, and German. Matt holds a Master of Science in Foreign Service with academic distinction from the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, ...
The Yobe State chapter of the All Farmers Association of Nigeria, AFAN, has issued a stern warning to its members against selling agriculture empowerment equipment donated by the state government.
THE All Farmers Association of Nigeria, AFAN, Federal Capital Territory, FCT, Chapter, Friday, demanded the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, Independent Corrupt Practices Commission ...
Working his way across the major cities in the United States for his 2024 My Generation tour, Rophnan, the EDM-pioneering Ethiopian artist, made his way to the nation's capital on Aug. 31 at the ...
Hawaasni Oromoo magaalaa Melbourne du'a obbo Baatee Urgeessaa irratti qorannoon bal'aan akka gaggeeffamu gaafachuuf hiriira qopheessee jira. Obbo Battee Urgeessaa, miseensiAdda Bilisummaa Oromoo ...
Uffanni aadaa Oromoo eessaa garamitti...? Oromoon geerarsa isa jagnummaa ittiin lallabu, isa hiriyyeefi jaala ittiin lellisu isa biyyaafi goota ittiin faarsu afaanumaan ilmaansaatti himee dabarsaa ...
Weellisaa warri Afaan Oromoo hin beeknellee dhaggeeffachuu jaallatanidha. Sagaleen isaas irraa kan hin dabarreefi yeroo hunda kan gurratti toludha. Inni wallisaa Getaachoo Hayilemaariyaamidha. Yeroo ...