The tufted titmouse is a jaunty little cousin of the chickadee. Unlike some other mating pairs of birds, the male and female ...
The chestnut-backed chickadee is curious about humans, and spends the postbreeding and winter seasons foraging noisily in mixed-species flocks. Unlike other parids (except for the mountain ...
Now through April, people and their families are invited to try hand-feeding wild birds at The West Woods at 9465 Kinsman Road in Russell Township and possibly take a photo as a curious chickadee ...
The 28th annual Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) took place Feb. 14-17. In Alcona and Iosco counties adverse weather conditions including fresh deep snow, along with frigid temperatures, created ...
With the cold winter weather, Geauga Park District is encouraging people to visit its Bird in the Hand Feeding Station. “People have noticed more titmice landing for food,” Naturalist Dottie Drockton ...