Brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) are native to North America and commonly referred to as simply cowbirds. They also ...
Or should I say non-nesting strategy? You see, the female cowbird does not build her own nest. Nor does she incubate her own eggs – ever. Rather, she is an expert at finding the nests of other ...
The researchers divided the songbird communities into Suitable Hosts (birds that accept cowbird eggs and feed their young) and Unsuitable hosts (birds that reject cowbird eggs). They selected 10 ...
Ornithological Science 4, 55–64 (2005). Klippenstine, D. R. & Sealy, S. G. Differential ejection of cowbird eggs and non-mimetic eggs by grassland passerines. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120 ...
The Brown-headed cowbird is one of two cowbird species in North America. Both species are brood parasites - they lay their eggs in the nests of other birds. Brown-headed cowbirds are native to ...