The State Bank of India (SBI), a leading public sector bank, has unveiled an innovative recurring deposit (RD) scheme named the 'Har Ghar Lakhpati' scheme. This customised savings plan aims to help ...
This scheme can be a good investment option for people looking for a systematic savings plan with assured returns. If you're ...
State Bank of India (SBI) on Friday launched two new deposit schemes--Har Ghar Lakhpati and SBI Patrons. As per a statement by SBI, 'Har Ghar Lakhpati,' is a pre-calculated recurring deposit ...
The SBI's Har Ghar Lakhpati RD scheme has a minimum lock-in period of 3 years. The State Bank of India (SBI) has introduced a ‘Har Ghar Lakhpati’ (lakhpati in every home) recurring deposit scheme.