Joined to him his sweet wife was very pretty, chaste and fruitful. They were parents happy in their offspring, to whom, land of England, you owe Henry VIII. She was born on 11th February 1465, ...
One of the most significant events of his reign, which had a long lasting impact, was his decision to break with the Catholic Church and establish the Church of England. Henry VIII’s father ...
He broke away from the Catholic church to marry one of them, and he would be the father to one of the ... it really should ...
So when Henry VII died in 1509 after suffering from gout ... of Italian Renaissance sculptor Pietro Torrigiano, who came to England after leaving Florence in around 1509-1510.
From humble beginnings in the service of the princes of Gwynedd, the Tudor family rose steadily to royal stock. The Tudor ...
Henry VIII is known as the 'father of the Royal Navy ... break with Rome and establish Henry VIII as head of the Church of England. This act also brought him much needed wealth through the ...