Scotland's History Articles James VI, King of Scots 1567 - 1625, King of England and Ireland 1603 - 1625 The Adobe Flash player and Javascript are required in order to view a video which appears ...
Five months later, James was crowned King of Scotland. He was just one year old. James VI later remarked he was “baptised in blood”, while others, throughout his life, noted he had been ...
This was the moment her cousin and heir, the Scottish King James VI, had been waiting for. Scotland was one of the poorest kingdoms in Europe, with a weak and feeble crown. England by comparison ...
The turbulent life of James I started as it meant to go on. In 1406 James' father, King Robert III ... future monarch of Scotland, was taken captive. Robert, already an ill man, is said to ...
After the death of James II in 1460 the nine year old new king found himself the focus of attention of rival factions vying to control Scotland. After assuming personal control of Scotland in 1468 ...
Scotland's History Articles James V, King of Scots 1513 – 1542 After the death of James IV at the disastrous Battle of Flodden in 1513 Scotland once again had an infant Stewart king on the throne.
His coronation, with Anne, took place on 25th July 1603, uniting the two kingdoms of Scotland and England. He was the first Scottish king to be crowned sitting on the Stone of Scone (contained within ...