An online video shows the cub attempting to stir the momma bear in a heart-wrenching scene. But it has a happy ending.
“A mama bear known as ‘Brett’ gave her cubs a ride across the river in Alaska’s iconic Katmai National Park and Preserve.
Protective and fiercely loving, seeing a Bear Cub interact with their mom is as stirring as it is adorable.Thankfully for us, ...
“A mother bear waits as her two cubs cross the road to join her on the other side. Black bear cubs stay close to their mother ...
Mama bears are setting up baby nurseries under California homes, heartwarming videos show. Screenshot of BEAR League's video on Facebook Mama bears are setting up baby nurseries under homes in ...
It shows a mother polar bear walking through the frozen landscape — then a cub pops up out of the den and slips and slides over the ice toward her. As the cub reaches its mom, another two emerge and ...
A cuddly polar bear cub climbed all over its mom in a tender moment captured at Wapusk National Park in Manitoba, Canada. Canadian tour guide Drew Hamilton recorded this sweet showcase of motherhood ...
Mama bears and their cubs will consume massive amounts of berries, bees, voles, and maybe other meat to plump up before heading into hibernation again in the fall. This has been the bears’ annual ...