NEW DELHI: The mass animal sacrifice at the Gadhimai festival in Nepal kept India’s border guarding force, Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), and local administration across several districts in Bihar ...
This year, the animal sacrifices are expected to begin on Dec. 8. Activists have long condemned the festival, submitting petitions to courts in Nepal and India. French former actress Brigitte ...
Photo: Reuters/Navesh Chitrakar A temple in southern Nepal known for the mass slaughter of animals at a festival there every five years has indefinitely banned animal sacrifice, according to India ...
"It is now time for the Nepal government to step up and introduce a ban in law on animal sacrifice so that this is the last time we witness such horrors at Gadhimai," said Tanuja Basnet ...
The largest traditional animal sacrifice in the world began last weekend in southern Nepal with an estimated 4,000 buffalo, goats, and pigeons slaughtered on Friday alone. The two-day festival ...
Kathmandu (Nepal), Oct 15 (ANI): The demand for goats ... The festival regarded as the victory of truth over lies is marked with sacrifice of animals to goddess Durga. More than 75,000 male ...