HABITAT: Grizzlies are highly ... be born during the mother's winter sleep. Cubs remain with their mothers for up to four years, and females won't breed again while in the company of their young. The ...
the cubs were “spring cubs” which means the cubs were born this past spring, so they were still very small and super cute. Grizzly bear cubs are born while the mother is still in the den ...
Yellowstone staff locates grizzly bear tracks and a photographer captures footage of a bear out of hibernation. Time for ...
Grizzly bears are solitary animals. Individual bears have a home range, but these may overlap and are not fiercely defended. Their habitat can range from dense forest to alpine meadow to Arctic tundra ...
A grizzly old time is being had at the Ohio zoo as staff tend to a newborn sloth bear and drum up help for what to name her.
National parks have a number of safety rules in place to help keep tourists and wildlife safe and ensure that the park can be enjoyed well into the future. Yet despite this, some tourists seem intent ...
Wyoming’s grizzlies should start emerging from hibernation any time now, but nobody’s sure if Grizzly 399’s cub, Spirit, will ...
“The Bitterroot Ecosystem is essential to the long term survival of grizzly bears and critical to recovery throughout the Northern Rockies. It provides core habitat and serves as an essential ...
Contrary to popular belief, grizzlies prefer to avoid people and only attack when provoked, usually in defense of their territory or cubs. Grizzly bears are opportunistic eaters. This means they ...
Let’s take a closer look at the grizzly bear ... overlaps with their habitat. Most interactions occur when a bear feels threatened, is surprised, or is protecting its cubs.