PrivacyLens aims to prevent embarrassing identifiable moments from being captured and shared online, enhancing privacy in ...
The study predicts that if greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, they will ultimately outweigh the influence of the moon ...
The Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) has joined forces with Kanoa Winds Inc., a clean energy company, to bring ...
A Sam Altman-backed startup is developing technology to inject CO2 deep underground, transforming it into stone to fight ...
The FCAS is one more step towards the goal of achieving full collaborative combat by 2040 for the consortium behind it.
A startup is showing small farmers how low-tech methods can help reduce methane emissions from their rice farms.
The diabetes treatment showed a significant boost in insulin-producing cells by 700% over just three months and it stayed ...
Ukrainian forces are assessing the multiple cutting-edge drones built at dirt-cheap costs by its people to boost their ...
The UNDP has reported that the estimated cost of reconstructing Gaza has now doubled from earlier projections made in January ...
A vintage Yak-52 plane flown by Ukrainians has become the latest thorn in the Russian side, successfully downing several ...
How does sex technology influence our contemporary perception of intimacy, and what impact will it have on our future ...
Yoshida's research suggests significant cultural and identity challenges if Japan becomes a nation where everyone bears the ...