The results are in from a trial of Bustaseed Seedling Trays with standard commercial seedling trays undertaken by Queen's ...
It’s been a poor year for weather and the harvest so far is pretty mixed. Anyway, in classic style I’ll start with good before the bad. The shelter of the polytunnel has proven its worth. We’re still ...
Comparing Grow Lights Many home growers are using grow lights to produce out of season but which system is the best for the ...
Proper storage of gardening tools is essential to maintain their condition. Without proper storage, tools can rust, rot, and ...
Horticultural lighting is a critical component in controlled environment agriculture (CEA), where artificial light supplements or replaces natural sunlight to optimize plant growth. This technology is ...
Home composting is a valuable, environmentally friendly process that reduces the amount of waste sent to landfill and provides a nutrient-rich, organic fertiliser for your garden. In my opinion every ...
Unlike mass social media; X, Facebook, etc. our chat and help forums are closely moderated by volunteers who are knowledgeable gardeners and cooks. Any member may post and answer posts but some forum ...
Earwig Image by James Lindsey at Ecology of Commanster – CC BY-SA 3.0 ...
Marrows are cucurbits (the same family as courgettes, squash and cucumbers). There is almost no difference betrween marrows and courgettes – just leave a courgette to grow and you have a marrow. The ...
The tomato is an import from a warmer climate to Britain so it’s no surprise that the ideal temperatures for growing tomatoes are higher than is usual outdoors here. Tomatoes can be grown successfully ...
Welcome to my allotment garden diary. Quite simply this is a record of our success and failures growing our own, gardening and trying to live the good life. A diary is actually a really useful tool ...