Leather Law protects Consumers ArleiLeather from Argentina writes on LinkedIn that genuine leather represents quality, ...
Highlights of Brazilian Leather’s Participation at the ACLE Exhibition, in Shanghai Report: Courtesy of CICB Press Office The ...
Durability, the elephant in the room Ivan Král (right) presenting at the Sustainable Leather Forum with the founder of ...
Reebok x PrimeAsia Leather We’re proud to partner with Reebok on their latest release, the Club C Revenge Vintage. Available ...
Let’s not forget the consequence when we displace automotive leather with a product that can be avoided; the cattle hides ...
How garment manufacturers are measuring emissions By Mostafiz Uddin on LinkedIn As we are regularly told, the garment ...
IULTCS announces 2025 Young Leather Scientist Grant Programme The International Union of Leather Technologists and Chemists ...
Higg Index shares the blame for low leather demand The president of the Leather and Hide Council of America, Kerry Brozyna, ...
Calfskin warning for luxury brands Past-president of the International Council of Hides, Skins, and Leather Traders ...
Shanghai – JBS Couros reflects on a productive ACLE 2024 All China Leather Exhibition – ACLE has come to an end, and we’re ...
Rino Mastrotto publishes fifth sustainability report The 2023 Rino Mastrotto Group Sustainability Report details the ...
Tibetan Yaks enrich the Soil and help preserve the Environment Francis Tsang writes on LinkedIn: Our talk is about Tibetan ...