What is the objective of the GAM LSA Private Shares I managed fund? The objective of the GAM LSA Private Shares I managed fund is The Fund's investment objective is to achieve attractive investment ...
What is the objective of the Lakehouse Global Growth Fund managed fund? The objective of the Lakehouse Global Growth Fund managed fund is The Fund aims to provide long-term capital growth and ...
The objective of the Switzer Dividend Growth ETF managed fund is The Fund aims to provide long term growth in both capital and income by investing in Australian listed equities. The portfolio aims to ...
The objective of the Mercer Australian Inflation Plus managed fund is The Fund aims to achieve a return (before management costs) that exceeds CPI increases by 1.0 - 2.0% per annum over rolling three ...
The objective of the Ironbark Paladin Property Securities managed fund is Seeks to outperform its benchmark, after fees, over rolling three-year periods. What is the strategy for the Ironbark Paladin ...
What is the objective of the BetaShares S&P 500 Yield Maximiser ETF managed fund? The objective of the BetaShares S&P 500 Yield Maximiser ETF managed fund is What is the strategy for the BetaShares ...
The objective of the AMP International Equity Index managed fund is The Fund seeks to track the return of the MSCI World ex-Australia ex-Tobacco Index (net dividends reinvested) in Australian dollars ...
The objective of the Realindex Australian Shares MPS managed fund is To provide investors with a total investment return (before fees and taxes) that outperforms the benchmark over periods of five ...
What is the objective of the Microequities Value Income managed fund? The objective of the Microequities Value Income managed fund is The Fund aims to protect capital, provide a sustainable income ...
What is the objective of the Capital Group New World (AU) managed fund? The objective of the Capital Group New World (AU) managed fund is What is the strategy for the Capital Group New World (AU) ...
What is the objective of the AMP Australian Fixed Interest Index managed fund? The objective of the AMP Australian Fixed Interest Index managed fund is The Fund seeks to track the return of the ...
What is the objective of the Realindex Global Shares Fund (Scr) - Class A managed fund? The objective of the Realindex Global Shares Fund (Scr) - Class A managed fund is To provide capital and income ...