Christians see God’s glory as their ultimate aim, and they see productivity as a set of skills to maximize their effectiveness in reaching that end.
Throughout church history, there have been perhaps few issues that have led to as many disputes as the sacraments. We’ve seen ...
Teenagers hear mixed messages about who they are, what’s true, and where to find meaning in life. It is vital that they are prepared to respond to these ideas with the truth of God’s Word.
As you face change, new beginnings, and even significant challenges, take courage. You have the promises of God, the Word of God, and the presence of God.
I have recently become a great-grandfather, welcoming two great-granddaughters and one great-grandson into our family. Here ...
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The Scriptures make clear the necessity for God’s people to pass down a godly heritage. Knowledge and commitment to the truth must be passed on to the following generations (see Ps. 71:15–17; 78:4–8).
Teenagers hear mixed messages about who they are, what’s true, and where to find meaning in life. Our Always Ready youth conferences prepare students to respond to these ideas with the truth of God, ...