Père-Lachaise is Paris’s largest and most eminent cemetery, a historic place of reverence where visitors pay their respects ...
One of the most memorable first sentences for King belongs to The Postman Always Rings Twice by James M. Cain, a potboiler ...
Like Aldi and Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s has developed a kind of cult following around its unique grocery store aesthetic. But ...
The industry you’ve made a career in certainly determines the size of your paycheck. But where you live also affects your ...
When a standup comedian’s joke bombs? Crickets. When a teacher baffles students? Crickets. When a band plays an unknown song ...
Few sayings are as colorful as a Spanish insult (though French and German might come close). Some read like a grocery list ...
You’re taking a summer stroll along a nice trail when you come across a body of water. “That’s a beautiful lake,” you think ...
A passing resemblance to “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” can also be found in the Norwegian folktale “ The Knights in ...
The Black track star smoked the competition to win a record-setting four gold medals, making a mockery of Adolf Hitler’s ...
For students either entering or returning to the world of academia, knowing which college majors lead to well-paying jobs ...
Elsewhere around the world, the U.S. fared about as well as the UK (which was ranked first in Europe, with a score of 48) ...
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) earned himself the title of the “father of modern ethics” while living what is widely accepted as ...