Two studies suggest the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation could collapse by the middle of the century and wreak ...
GPS jamming and spoofing has begun to affect transatlantic flights. Now the race is on to develop alternative ways of ...
Ten people in the US have been infected with a strain of bird flu called H5N1, but patchy surveillance means that some cases ...
We may have finally found an entry point to the caves hidden beneath the moon’s surface, which could shield future astronauts ...
A generator that harvests the pitter-patter of raindrops can produce enough electricity to power LED lights, though it is ...
Hoverboards, or self-balancing scooters, are already used by hobbyists as a basis for robots, but now a group in Russia is ...
When astronauts go on a spacewalk, their urine is collected by what is essentially a large diaper before being thrown away, ...
Two lions, one missing a leg, made a 1.5-kilometre swim through crocodile-infested waters in Uganda, probably in order to ...
Researchers have discovered a hormone in mice that prevents bone loss during lactation and could one day be used to treat ...
Working with a tiny cantilever, physicists managed to violate the second law of thermodynamics, using less energy than ...
Could the universe's missing matter be hiding in a "dark" extra dimension? We now have simple ways to test this outlandish ...
Horse therapy helps people with Alzheimer's disease socialise and improves their mood to a greater extent than music therapy, ...