PARLIAMENT of Zimbabwe has suspended all visits to the New Parliament building in Mt Hampden from July 22 to September 1 in ...
NMB Bank Limited has secured a US$10 million facility from a UK-based development financial institution for on-lending to ...
The Tonga people of the Zambezi Valley in Zimbabwe provide a compelling example of how youth are engaging with indigenous ...
ACTING Auditor-General Rhea Kujinga has revealed that misgovernance nearly doubled in State-owned enterprises (SoEs) and ...
IN a move seen as an attempt to restore normalcy in Mashonaland West province, Zanu PF national political commissar ...
KAROI town is gearing itself to lure potential investors in tobacco processing, a development that will boost economic growth ...
ONE of the most eagerly anticipated television series produced in Africa, Queen Modjadji, premiered on DStv’s Mzansi Magic ...
Msendami, who played alongside former Highlanders vice-captain Nqobizitha Masuku at Jwaneng Galaxy, scored 12 goals and ...
LEGISLATORS have demanded answers from Treasury regarding delays in compensating pensioners who lost their retirement savings ...
PROSECUTOR-GENERAL Loyce Matanda-Moyo recently said corruption is spreading faster due to the absence of legislation that ...
MATABELELAND traditional leaders have welcomed the launch of the Gukurahundi community outreach programme by President ...
WORKERS at Harare City Council (HCC) are set to benefit from residential stands after securing an agreement with a local land ...