It's up to the parents to protect in common the right to the image of their minor child, while respecting the right to privacy. For example, parents should monitor the distribution of photos or ...
All matters necessary for the daily life of the child must be exchanged between the parent. We give you the information you need to know. It is customary, in the best interests of the child, that ...
About 850,000 people will receive this fall the increase linked to the upgrading of their “small pension”. This measure, provided for in the pension reform, concerns pensioners covered by the ...
The State Pensions Service (SRE) has opened secure messaging via the Public Agent Secure Digital Space (ENSAP). Better accessibility, easier file tracking, confidentiality of exchanges..
French athletes won 75 medals at the 2024 Paris Paralympic Games, which ran from August 28 to September 8, 2024. This is the best result of the French delegation since Sydney in 2000. A list that ...
Isabelle has just had a violent argument with her friend Nelly, with whom she has been with since 2008. Nelly told her that she was leaving their home and moving to another address. Isabelle has ...
Many events can cause financial problems of varying degrees: job loss, divorce, inflation... You have difficulties preventing you from paying your tax balance, deducted from your bank account in ...
Doing an online administrative procedure seems a perilous exercise? Finding the right person to seek advice and solve an administrative problem seems complex to you? Whether you live in urban or ...
This is an important development for the real estate sector. Since 1 er in september 2024, the commissioners of justice may carry out, as an ancillary measure, real estate mediation tasks.
A decision of the Conseil d’État of 29 August 2024 annulled part of a decree of 29 July 2023 relating to the hygiene and sanitation rules for housing. The purpose of the decree was to harmonize ...
Like every year, in September, your withholding tax rate is updated based on your spring tax return. If your financial situation has changed since the beginning of 2024, you can now adjust the ...
My landlord called me to tell me it was time to clean up the living room... · But he walked into your house like that? · Well yes! He told me he was home · It's not wrong at the same time..