A grizzly old time is being had at the Ohio zoo as staff tend to a newborn sloth bear and drum up help for what to name her.
Mama bears are setting up baby nurseries under California homes, heartwarming videos show. Screenshot of BEAR League's video on Facebook Mama bears are setting up baby nurseries under homes in ...
Mama bears are setting up baby nurseries under homes in California, videos show. At least three mother bears nestled into spaces under Tahoe homes to give birth to their babies and shelter them ...
The Cleveland Metroparks Zoo is getting ready to introduce guests to its newest tiny resident. A female sloth bear cub was ...
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife responded to a report that a momma bear had apparently been hit by a car and was found with its cub lying in an apartment parking lot in Truckee.
A pair of orphaned bear cubs weighed too little to hibernate in the wild, so wildlife officials fattened them up and released them inside a makeshift den, photos show. Colorado Parks and Wildlife ...
It shows a mother polar bear walking through the frozen landscape — then a cub pops up out of the den and slips and slides over the ice toward her. As the cub reaches its mom, another two emerge ...
A female sloth bear cub was born at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, which is now holding a vote allowing residents to name the new arrival. A news release from the zoo says the sloth cub is the second ...