Early spring grain and leguminous crops (excluding maize, buckwheat and millet) were planted on an area of 17,300 hectares, ...
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Georgia to Belarus Giorgi Saganelidze, who presented his credentials to ...
Georgia confirms mutual interest in resuming the previous level of dialogue, including political dialogue, with Belarus, Ambassador ...
Minsk Tractor Works plans to set up an assembly production facility in Myanmar for BELARUS tractors, BelarusTractors_official ...
The Chernihiv Regional Youth Theater in Ukraine has adapted to the war by having women perform traditionally male roles, ...
The economic sanctions and boycotts of Russian oil and gas must persist—and why Trump must set aside his pride and support ...
A regional theatre adapts to the realities of war, with actresses taking male roles as actors are called up to front lines of ...
The International Olympic Committee is one of the foremost governing bodies in the world of sport. Whoever holds the ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday praised the relationship between Russia and Belarus, two neighbours whose ties ...
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