Staff in Yellowstone National Park observed the first grizzly bear tracks of 2025 earlier this month — signaling the very ...
Friends of Big Bear Valley say they may have seen the remains of a missing third eaglet in the nest. "We know that both the ...
On a journey through a remote part of Greenland, travel journalist Chloe Berge discovers a landscape at once fragile and ...
There’s a famous Nick Cave quote that gets passed around whenever anyone wants to dismiss the music of a certain long-running ...
Nick Cave and Flea reunite for a powerful musical collaboration, transforming past tensions into a cosmic, heartfelt new song ...
Cave was asked about the quote in the latest entry for his Red Hand Files Q&A website. He chalked it up to being a ...
Trail camera footage captured by Sonoma County Regional Parks revealed two black bear cubs walking through for the first time ever.
An apex predator, doting mother, and winning survivalist — bears are known for it all. Eight species of this animal exist ...
Promise. There's a plethora of talent and ingenuity that comes out of the Black community, so if you want your wardrobe (or beauty routine!) to look fresh and trend-setting, these are the ...
While there's so much to do above ground in California, this phenomenal cave invites explorers to venture beneath for an experience unlike any other.
Why it's awesome: This deadly, yellow centipede has evolved to live in the Movile Cave — a pitch black, sulfurous underground system untouched by sunlight for more than 5 million years.
And one such remarkable specimen was just discovered: the mummified carcass of a 39,500-year-old cave bear. According to The Siberian Times, the cave bear was found by reindeer herders on the Bolshoy ...