An independent audit commissioned by a federal judge raised serious concerns about how Los Angeles city and county are ...
Auditors could not quantify the amount of money spent to establish beds and provide related homeless supportive services ...
Homeless programs funded by the city of Los Angeles are a virtual black hole when it comes to oversight and tracking of outcomes, a court-ordered, independent audit has found.
The LAO’s report says the January 2024 point-in-time count found 187,000 people who are homeless in California, an all-time ...
Los Angeles’ homelessness programs are hampered by poor oversight resulting in an inability to track substantial funds ...
The neighborhoods with the highest number of complaints were downtown L.A. and Boyle Heights, according to an LAist review.
As Los Angeles recovers from historic wildfires, both previously unsheltered and chronically homeless people are facing even ...
Further, auditors said, the city and the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA ... the L.A. Alliance for Human Rights, a group of downtown business owners, who sued the city and ...