California first featured bear symbolism on its flag during the Bear Flag Revolt of 1846 — decades before Monarch was ever ...
I let go of my grip in the grizzly’s mouth with my left hand and went for the gun. I got it out of the holster, but the bear ...
This gave Ferrenberg enough time to draw his own bear spray canister and spray the bear mid-charge as it closed in on Townsend. The charging grizzly spun around and ... One example would be shooting a ...
I looked up and there were two grizzly cubs, about 25 yards ... Encounter a charging bear at 25 yards, and you’ve got “One Mississippi-two-Miss…” to draw and fire one perfectly placed ...
Katmai National Park has the most grizzly bears in the ... The native bear populations, in particular, are as active as ever. As cubs get bigger and the urge to pack on fat for winter heightens ...
A bear cub amongst wildflowers in Denali National Park ... Sudden weather changes, avalanches, and grizzly bears pose real threats to those venturing deep into the park. Adequate preparation, ...
Yellowstone staff locates grizzly bear tracks and a photographer captures footage of a bear out of hibernation. Time for ...
Staff in Yellowstone National Park observed the first grizzly bear tracks of 2025 earlier this month — signaling the very ...
In that video, a big grizzly is seen digging black bear cubs out of underground den. “People may feel bad about this situation. They may feel sorry for the black bear cub that got caught ...
A grizzly old time is being had at the Ohio zoo as staff tend to a newborn sloth bear and drum up help for what to name her.
Reaching up to 800 pounds and 8 feet tall when standing, grizzly bears boast tremendous size and physical strength and have almost no natural enemies. Or just one — humans. But we’ve proved formidable ...