Surya Roshni added 1.97% to Rs 261.20 after the company announced that it had secured orders worth Rs 81.47 crore from Bharat Petroleum Corporation (BPCL) for CGD project on Pan India basis.
India's state-owned oil company ONGC has selected BP as the technical services provider to enhance production at Mumbai High, ...
BP has said that it will raise oil output to 477.5 million barrels, while gas production will increase to 47.22 Bcm ...
Shares of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. traded at Rs 132.95 on BSE at 12:22PM (IST) on Thursday, 1.26 per cent from previous ...
GOCL Corporation, a key player in India’s mining industry, emphasizes quality and safety in its explosive products, ...
India's leading E&P company tells Upstream it plans to spend up to $4 billion in the next few years, as it targets increasing ...
From powering agricultural motor sets to fueling airplanes, let's explore the leading oil companies meeting India's fuel ...
IST, the barometer index, the S&P BSE Sensex, declined 395.67 points or 0.51% to 77,751.64. The Nifty 50 index fell 123.50 points or 0.52% to 23,565.45.
Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd has entered into an agreement to store its crude oil in the caverns of the Indian ...
Indian state-run Bharat Petroleum Corporation is purchasing crude oil from the Middle East to replace cheaper Russian oil.
BPCL buys Middle Eastern crude due to shortage of Russian oil, plans to diversify sources and invest in expansion.