The Shingle Springs resident was reviewing their surveillance camera trained on their doggy door when they noticed the ...
The three male kittens are part of the center’s native species conservation program. The species ranges from northern Mexico into the United States.
Wildlife officials confirm the first cougar kittens born in Michigan in over 100 years. However, they haven't been seen in ...
Mule deer herds are declining across the West for many reasons. But three states — Utah, Wyoming and Nevada — want to both pin the blame on mountain lions and “resolve” the issue by using cruel traps ...
The 7- to 9-week-old cubs were found on private land in Ontonagon County in the western Upper Peninsula. A local residents ...
This means lions or other trapped animals could suffer for days in leghold traps or foot snares until the trapper arrives to kill them. Here’s the basic issue: States blame lions for the decline in ...
For some people, the outdoors is an obstacle to get from the house to the car. For local game warden Bob Carochi, it’s a way ...
The USDA's update said that the rats were likely infected after exposure to birds sick with avian flu on nearby farms.
This is the time of year when Jeff Yost didn’t envy the wildlife officers working in the Denver metro area. Yost worked as a ...
Jacob Vibbert, of Cheney, Washington, has been charged with illegally killing a mountain lion on the south end of Wrangell ...
Loss of habitat The Florida panther, which is similar to but smaller than the Western cougar or mountain lion, once roamed across a large swath ... of feline leukemia transmitted to them by domestic ...