A request for the entitlements needed to move the project forward, approved by the city’s planning commission in December, ...
Developed by Comunilife, the homes are part of the second phase of the affordable and supportive housing project rising at ...
A deeply affordable, fully subsidized apartment building has opened on a former Woodhull Hospital parking lot in Bed-Stuy, ...
LeadingAge is calling on the White House to thaw its freeze on congressionally appropriated funds in response to plans to halt a $1 billion program designed to help preserve affordable senior housing, ...
Park City is looking to advance plans for a senior housing project in its city's new downtown district.
Developer Lewis Swezy plans an 80-unit age-restricted project in Miami-Dade, as low-income housing construction booms.
The Associated Press has obtained a document showing that the Trump administration is halting a $1 billion program that helps ...
The nonprofit behind a low-income senior housing development in Jamaica Plain is planning a similar development totaling 150 ...
Report reveals a national shortage of 7.1 million homes affordable and available for extremely low-income renters ...
Hunt Capital Partners transfers ownership of senior affordable housing property in El Paso's Segundo Barrio to the public ...