A request for the entitlements needed to move the project forward, approved by the city’s planning commission in December, ...
A deeply affordable, fully subsidized apartment building has opened on a former Woodhull Hospital parking lot in Bed-Stuy, ...
LeadingAge is calling on the White House to thaw its freeze on congressionally appropriated funds in response to plans to halt a $1 billion program designed to help preserve affordable senior housing, ...
Developer Lewis Swezy plans an 80-unit age-restricted project in Miami-Dade, as low-income housing construction booms.
Park City is looking to advance plans for a senior housing project in its city's new downtown district.
The Associated Press has obtained a document showing that the Trump administration is halting a $1 billion program that helps ...
The nonprofit behind a low-income senior housing development in Jamaica Plain is planning a similar development totaling 150 ...
Report reveals a national shortage of 7.1 million homes affordable and available for extremely low-income renters ...
Hunt Capital Partners transfers ownership of senior affordable housing property in El Paso's Segundo Barrio to the public ...