Installing and maintaining smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) detectors can save your life. Fortunately, they’re inexpensive and easy to put in place. Basic smoke detectors cost as little as $15 and ...
The modern hacker wields a number of tools that operate on the principle of heating things up to extremely high temperatures, so a smoke alarm is really a must-have piece of equipment. But in an ...
As daylight saving time begins, firefighters are urging homeowners to use the occasion as a reminder to ensure home safety by ...
It’s widely known that a smoke detector is a good ionizing radiation source, as they contain a small amount of americium-241, a side product of nuclear reactors. But what about other sources?
Push the button and bear the piercing sound at least twice per year, advise experts who stress the importance of testing smoke alarms. Most people probably agree, but actually doing it is the hard ...