The female lays three to seven white eggs with significant reddish spotting. “What can I do to attract a Carolina wren pair to my nest box?” asks Birds & Blooms reader Gwen Falkenstein of ...
The marsh wren is a small brown wren with darker ... Either way, once the female is settled into a nest and starts laying eggs, the male will continue singing his attractant song and try to ...
Speaker Julie Zickafoose left conference attendees with ideas to bring conservation to their world of bluebirding.
house wrens can be hostile during nesting season. If they set up house in your yard and encounter other cavity nesters they deem too close for comfort, they'll pierce the eggs of other species and ...
The marsh wren is a small brown wren with darker ... Either way, once the female is settled into a nest and starts laying eggs, the male will continue singing his attractant song and try to ...