At every turn, there seems to be a plot twist that completely catches even the most die-hard fan off guard. These twists can ...
To add to the insult, Shanks took all the rubbing of the Road Poneglyphs in Kid's possession and then ordered Dorry and Brogy ...
Crunchyroll has announced it will debut new episodes of One Piece at the same time that they release in Japan.
A One Piece fan art is going viral on the internet which shows the insane side of Luffy's Gear 5 form and Oda needs to focus ...
Luffy's powers have improved after his training with Rayleigh but Oda didn't included it in One Piece because explaining it ...
Over 10,000 fans gathered in Dallas for the first-ever overseas "ONE PIECE DAY", featuring special guests, live performances, ...
Kaido and Yhwach had similar character arcs with executions that were worlds apart, and it's evident that Tite Kubo did ...
Ever since Kaido has been defeated in One Piece, fans have been waiting for his return and a theory suggest that he will ...
We knew Luffy was incredibly stupid but these moments in One Piece really prove it even further. His impulsive and simple nature has resulted in a lot of chaos.
Saint Sommers’ Devil Fruit brings people’s worst fears to life, making him one of One Piece’s most terrifying villains in the ...