Driving through Franklin heading north or south on Central Street, you pass by Trestle View Park and the Harris Corliss Wheel. During the holiday season, every year since the mid-1990 ...
How much does the knife weigh? How much do those winter pants weigh? How much does the protein bar weigh? How much does the ...
With large increases in property taxes everyone is correct in wanting to know why and to take action to lower them. The big target is public education and I urge everyone to learn about the true reaso ...
I was a part of an email from a constituent asking questions about House Bills that were Representative Aylward’s priorities in The Beacon. I would like to clarify that whatever R ...
Current law allows one planning board member to sit on a zoning board of adjustment (ZBA), and there is no prohibition on ZBA members serving on planning boards. The Municipal and County Government Co ...
As a 65-year-old woman, I’ve lived through many political crises in this country — but I have never seen an attack on our democracy like this. In the past, there was bipartisan opposition to lawle ...
A reader kindly pointed out a mistake I made in a recent article about the merger between grocery titans, Kroeger and Albertsons. I stated that local Market Basket and Hannaford’s stores are owned b ...