Charles Brew, with his 20 year-old son Trevor, was at work in the milking shed on their farm, 'Willow Grove', when he saw a strange object appear and descend very slowly towards the milk shed, to a ...
US Naval Reserve Lieutenant Graham Bethune, copilot of Flight 125, first sighted a huge object [at least] 300 feet in diameter on a near collision course with their aircraft. "A rough estimate would ...
FAIR USE NOTICE: This page may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This website distributes this material without profit to those ...
One of the claimed Spanish sightings of the 1954 wave. This picture was taken by Juan Coll and Jose Antonio Baena near Malaga, Spain, on 2 November. (Fortean Picture Library) ...
Summary: One of the better documented cases of a UFO landing, and leaving evidence of landing occurred in Socorro, New Mexico on April 24th, 1964. Dr. J. Allen Hynek called it "one of the classics of ...
Summary: While attempting to do a bit of research on the MiB, I have had quite a bit of trouble. Everywhere I looked, I kept getting sites that were all about the Movie "Men in Black." Well, guess ...
Summary: This area of testimony deals specifically with pilot encounters, radar cases and related cases. We have no fewer than 20 witnesses from the Air Force, the Marines, the Navy, the Army, and ...
The answer is that they do. There are rather well-authenticated cases spanning a wide variety of "physical effects." R ...
The number of documented general sightings in the modern age numbers approximately 120,000, of which 20,000 have been described as landings. Numerous surveys and opinions polls conducted over the last ...
The color video footage, which lasts for a total of two minutes and fifty-five seconds, was apparently smuggled out of the secret Groom Lake "Area 51" facility in Nevada by a man referring to himself ...
In 1492, Christopher Columbus and Pedro Gutierrez while on the deck of the Santa Maira, observed, "a light glimmering at a great distance." It vanished and reappeared several times during the night, ...
Summary: This is taken from the FAA official document "Concerning JAL Flight 1628's Sightings of Unidentified Air Traffic on November 17, 1986." It is a Translation of a Written Statement By Captain ...