Wildlife officials confirm the first cougar kittens born in Michigan in over 100 years. However, they haven't been seen in ...
For the first time in more than 100 years, cougar cubs have been found living in Michigan. On Wednesday, state biologists ...
Mountain lions could be pursued by “hazers” with dogs under a new California bill, introduced a day after similar legislation ...
Mule deer herds are declining across the West for many reasons. But three states — Utah, Wyoming and Nevada — want to both pin the blame on mountain lions and “resolve” the issue by using cruel traps ...
The resilient mountain lion goes by many names: puma, cougar, panther, catamount and even “ghost cat.” Over the past century in California, it has survived habitat loss and government-sponsored ...
Mule deer herds are declining across the West for many reasons. But three states, Utah, Wyoming and Nevada, want to pin the ...
Mountain lion hunting was banned in California by a narrowly passed ballot initiative back in the 1990s. Since then, many lion hunting proponents argue, the Golden State has seen a marked rise in ...
In the early hours of Feb. 28, Mendocino Coast resident and biologist Nadia El Adili awoke to a grim scene: two goats and a sheep — all cherished family pets — had been killed by a mountain ...
On Saturday, Jan. 27, their 14-month-old cur mix Fergus was taken from their backyard by a prowling mountain lion. Miraculously, the dog survived the harrowing ordeal, but not before the Leach’s ...