It’s unclear how much premiums could go up in the Bay Area or which parts of the region would see the largest rate hikes.
Concerts included in Ticketmaster's latest two-for-one promotion mainly take place in the Los Angeles area at various venues.
Landlords in Los Angeles and Orange counties have jacked up rents at more than twice the national rate since the wildfires.
Investigators say a man who cast himself as a ‘bitcoin billionaire’ during a Jackson Hole spending spree was based on fraud.
From road closures and top runners to race day events and where to watch, here are 10 essential things to know before race ...
Maria S. Salinas is president & CEO of the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce, the largest business association in Los ...
International artists hoping to perform in the United States are finding the visa process much more arduous and expensive.
Scientists said the storm's strength and potential for far-reaching impacts is notable, but its timing isn't unusual.
Prosecutors allege that an inebriated Ferguson — angered at his wife, Sheryl, mocking him — pulled out a Glock .40-caliber ...
Investigators announced a $25,000 reward on Friday in hopes of identifying and arresting whoever fatally shot a 42-year-old man as he stood in front of a Westmont area home in Los Angeles five ...
The federal government owns more than 90% of California’s public lands. Firing San Diego immigration court judges won’t help ...
President Donald Trump keeps telling a story about how he sent fire-plagued Los Angeles the critical water he says California ...