The debate over whether to keep federal protections for grizzlies is “deeply laden in values,” according to one expert.
Photographers believe the grizzly seen ambling past a trail camera on Thursday night in Yellowstone is the same huge male ...
The National Park Service on Wednesday reported fresh grizzly tracks have been spotted in the northern section of Yellowstone National Park. That's ...
In the wild, strength isn’t just about muscle—it’s about survival. And when it comes to power struggles, few match the ...
The black bear in the video appears to be dead as the giant grizzly chomps down on its head, neck, and spine and then drags it up a steep embankment before Griffith slowly drives away. Read Next ...
The groups say the Forest Service didn't include enough details about where exactly the logging project will take place to ...
Those are among the changes coming through amendments to the province’s Wildlife Act that will make hunting more widely ...
The grizzly bear secure habitat standard limits the total acreage of secure habitat that can be temporarily reduced for a project to 1% of the acreage of the largest subunit within a bear management ...
Grizzly bears are the largest predator in North America, but they seldom pose a serious threat to outdoorsmen who’ve taken the proper precautions. According to the National Park Service ...
Idaho led its Big Sky Conference Tournament semifinal game against Montana 2-0, 16 seconds into the game on a pair of Julius Mims free throws. That would be its last lead of the matchup. With a 78-55 ...
Montana uses 12-0 and 9-0 runs in the final 12 minutes to battle its way past Northern Arizona and into the Big Sky semifinals.