The debate over whether to keep federal protections for grizzlies is “deeply laden in values,” according to one expert.
Photographers believe the grizzly seen ambling past a trail camera on Thursday night in Yellowstone is the same huge male ...
But we didn’t see any bears. “I want a big grizzly,” I told Lester. “First let’s get moose, then we’ll go after bears,” he replied. By the second day of the hunt every member of our party had a moose ...
Storer of the University of California at Davis, in his book, California Grizzly, authored with Lloyd P. Trevis Jr., estimated that there were once 10,000 of the giant bears in the state. Furthermore, ...
Oh hello there, I am a big lad who just loves to give bear hugs- are you looking for a big pup who loves to give a good hug? My name is Grizzly and like a Grizzly bear, I have a lot of love to ...
If grizzly bears grew to 20 feet tall their hunting range diet and environmental impact would completely transform ecosystems forcing prey species to adapt or disappear. Their massive size would ...
The National Park Service on Wednesday reported fresh grizzly tracks have been spotted in the northern section of Yellowstone National Park. That's ...
“According to a 2001 study, the Clearwater River drainage in Idaho has the largest concentration of the best grizzly habitat in the U.S. Northern-Canadian Southern Rockies,” said Jeff ...
In the wild, strength isn’t just about muscle—it’s about survival. And when it comes to power struggles, few match the ...
Grizzly bears and bald eagles are both native to North America and often share the same habitats. Grizzlies are found in western Canada, Alaska, and a few western U.S. states. Bald eagles have a ...
The NCDE is home to one of the largest grizzly bear populations in the contiguous U.S., with an estimated 1,100 bears in the region. The area spans Glacier National Park, the Bob Marshall ...