Although beautiful and festive with fall colors, burning bush is invasive and needs proper management in your landscape.
While spindle trees are part of the same plant family as burning bush shrubs, Euonymus alatus, they are far less vigorous.
The most color in our yard and in others is from the bright red leaves and berries of Euonymus alatus shrubs, commonly called burning bushes. Someone gave them to us years ago and I gratefully ...
Wrapping trees in November protects against winter damage. Rabbits and deer have definite preferences for the plants they ...
Indigenous land management in southeastern Australia halved forest shrub cover 6,000 years ago, reducing high-intensity ...
Given a couple of hours of self-pity, I usually come around, remembering that with my previous knee replacement in a time ...
As with deer hunting, the best time for hunting invasives is late October to early November. I do my hunting in a ledgy wooded area, about 30 feet by 50 feet where nothing, at least as far as I know, ...
During their history on Country, Aboriginal people have lived through significant changes in climate, demonstrating unique ...
Common nuisances include Asiatic bittersweet, shrub honeysuckle, glossy buckthorn, autumn olive and burning bush. However, some homeowners face one-off struggles. Unquestionably, Wolpow can’t ...
Burning bush: Found in just three spots in the eastern ... Most abundant trailside invasive species mapped in the wilderness with plants along all the trails in many locations.