Just because poppies won’t blanket our hills like in previous years, doesn’t mean there won’t be beautiful flowers to admire ...
The State Seal is stamped on official documents including California drivers’ licenses. It is on the badge for the California ...
It was a chilling video. A jogger on a trail near Provo, Utah, happened upon a female cougar and her very young kittens. Mama ...
The debate over whether to keep federal protections for grizzlies is “deeply laden in values,” according to one expert.
Yellowstone staff locates grizzly bear tracks and a photographer captures footage of a bear out of hibernation. Time for ...
Fourteen years after the first gray wolf, known as OR-7, was spotted in California in a century, the population has grown to ...
Hunters currently cannot hunt from a wheelchair because the chairs are legally defined as a vehicle. The bill will change that.
Mountain lions could be pursued by “hazers” with dogs under a new California bill, introduced a day after similar legislation ...
They are the only bear species in the state, and, despite the name, their fur ranges in color from blond to black. It’s been ...
California first featured bear symbolism on its flag during the Bear Flag Revolt of 1846 — decades before Monarch was ever ...
While some 10,000 grizzly bears used to roam California, the great bear was killed by ranchers, landowners, and others by the ...