The debate over whether to keep federal protections for grizzlies is “deeply laden in values,” according to one expert.
Yellowstone staff locates grizzly bear tracks and a photographer captures footage of a bear out of hibernation. Time for ...
MONTANA - Grizzly bears are emerging from hibernation in Yellowstone, prompting park rangers to urge visitors to exercise ...
Thus, zoologists managed to capture incredible footage of three tiny cubs emerging from the hideout for their first walk. The unique video shows a polar bear (Ursus maritimus) making her way across ...
It shows a mother polar bear walking through the frozen landscape — then a cub pops up out of the den and slips and slides over the ice toward her. As the cub reaches its mom, another two emerge ...
Polar bear cubs have been filmed emerging from their dens for the first time. The extremely rare footage was captured by remote cameras deployed in the Arctic mountains for nearly a decade.
Polar bear cubs have been filmed emerging from their dens for the first time. The extremely rare footage was captured by remote cameras deployed in the Arctic mountains for nearly a decade. The ...
A pair of orphaned bear cubs weighed too little to hibernate in the wild, so wildlife officials fattened them up and released them inside a makeshift den, photos show. Colorado Parks and Wildlife ...