The grizzly bear that wounded a hiker in an encounter ... “The bear bit him several times before ultimately puncturing the bear spray can,” the Park Service told the publication.
Traveling in bear country calls for a heightened sense of awareness and a basic understanding of how to defend yourself from an aggressive black bear or grizzly. Carrying and knowing how to use bear ...
calm voice can make the grizzly reconsider attacking. If you’re biking or using a trail where people have spotted bears before, carrying bear spray is crucial. The substance is one of the most ...
The National Park Service on Wednesday reported fresh grizzly tracks have been spotted in the northern section of Yellowstone ...
Yellowstone National Park staff observed grizzly bear tracks in the northern part of the park on March 9.Yellowstone officials are warning all visitors to stay ...
It would also require users of grizzly bear habitat to carry bear spray. “The threats grizzlies face require firm action to protect the lands and the foods they depend on, without which we will ...