Tracy Borman joins Kate to discuss the sex life of Henry VIII.
On January 24, 1536, the 44-year-old Henry VIII was injured in a jousting accident. His horse fell on top of him, knocking him unconscious for two hours and tearing open an old injury in his leg.
I'm your host, Kris Hensler. And tonight's film is The Private Life of Henry VIII. And we're joined by our very own Tim Zink. Tim, thanks for stopping by to hang out in the basement screening room.
became King Henry VIII. Soon after he obtained the papal dispensation required to allow him to marry his brother's widow, Catherine of Aragon. In the first years of his reign Henry VIII ...
A visitor attraction on the site of a Tudor castle has been granted planning permission, despite concerns over funding. The ...
She was, remember, a devout Catholic and Henry had just been excommunicated in order to marry the woman he had just had killed. Still, she's not as interesting as Boleyn as she has to share this ...
On his deathbed Tudor King Henry VIII remembers his long reign, especially the crucial part his six marriages played in it, without producing the male heir he desired most to prevent civil wars ...
Damian Lewis and Mark Rylance reprise their roles as Henry VIII and Thomas Cromwell in this Wolf Hall sequel. Learn why critics are raving. #WolfHallPBS:The Mirror and the Light ...
The coronation of Henry VIII and Katherine of Aragon took place on Sunday 24th June 1509. The ceremony is illustrated in the mortuary roll of Abbot Islip dated 1532 in the Abbey's archives. The day ...