Let us not be afraid to throw open bright windows of closeness to those who are suffering, of forgiveness, of compassion, and ...
Cardinal Baldassare Reina emphasized three fundamental aspects of episcopal ministry while emphasizing that episcopacy is ...
Pope Francis warned that bullying in schools prepares students for war rather than peace, in a speech to Catholic educators gathered at the Vatican on Saturday.
"Enough of attacking civilians," said Pope Francis on Sunday during a meeting with the faithful at the Angelus prayer in ...
Enough of attacking civilians, Pope Francis said Sunday during a meeting with the faithful at the Angelus prayer in Vatican ...
Treatment of aliens, immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees is in the news as the Trump administration comes nearer.
As had already happened during the Immaculate Conception rite in Piazza di Spagna on December 8th, when two animal rights ...
A thrilling nine goal competition between Pope Francis and Central Catholic ended in favor of the Cardinals, 6-3, on Saturday ...
Note: Stat leaders are based on results sent to MassLive. If a player is missing, coaches should email
[email protected].
Israel's defence minister warned Sunday that the truce that ended more than a year of fighting with Lebanon's Hezbollah is at ...
World view: There are always winners and losers in any free trade agreement, but is this accord to be brought down at the behest of the powerful farm lobby’s limited sectoral interest?