Wildlife officials confirm the first cougar kittens born in Michigan in over 100 years. However, they haven't been seen in ...
The three male kittens are part of the center’s native species conservation program. The species ranges from northern Mexico into the United States.
To put things more literally, these residents in Shingle Springs almost woke up to a wild cat walking around (or doing something more nefarious) inside their home. Surveillance video captured a ...
Mule deer herds are declining across the West for many reasons. But three states, Utah, Wyoming and Nevada, want to both pin the ...
The Shingle Springs resident was reviewing their surveillance camera trained on their doggy door when they noticed the ...
Mule deer herds are declining across the West for many reasons. But three states — Utah, Wyoming and Nevada — want to both pin the blame on mountain lions and “resolve” the issue by using cruel traps ...
The passengers in the row ahead were sure to have listened with avid interest. They were officers with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.