The bird’s vibrant underparts ... variable but intermediate patterns on the face, wings, throat and tail. This oriole is a member of the Icteridae family to which 106 species of blackbirds ...
The female and the immature can be confused with a dull Baltimore oriole. Female and immature hooded orioles are entirely yellow below, slimmer, and longer tailed and have a thin, downcurved bill.
Length bill tip to tail tip: 7-1/4 inches. Voice: Song is a rapid burst of whistled notes downslurred at the end reminiscent of House Finch. Call a soft chuck. Scott's Oriole is a bird of desert ...
The Bullock’s oriole, a native of the Great Plains or Far West, typically spends winters in Mexico. Bruce Beehler is a naturalist and author, whose books include “Natural Encounters” and “Birds of ...