Every seven seconds we hear it — the long, drawn out “hooooooo” of one of the world’s rarest birds. The Grenada Dove may be shy, elusive and critically endangered, but it’s cooing its heart out on ...
"We are determined to bring cases like this before the courts." Judge sentences criminal caught at airport with jacket full ...
From a flock of endangered Egyptian vultures spotted at one of the recently developed habitats in the heart of the city – Asita East near I.
The strip of land has turned the area into a sanctuary for many endangered plants and animals. Read more at straitstimes.com.
Pakistan’s largest city, Karachi, is home to more than 20 million people and has been in the news many times due to climate-related issues such as heat waves, urban flooding and bad air quality. On ...
With threats of avian flu and lead poisoning, biologists are working overtime to care for a species that nearly went extinct.
Keen photographer and Essex Birdwatching Facebook group member Thomas Harris captured a Hen Harrier flying over Wallasea Island reserve.
When America's Founding Fathers affixed a bald eagle to the great seal of the United States in 1782, they likely had no idea they were highlighting what would become one of the greatest wildlife ...
FAU, SeaWorld San Diego, and the San Diego Natural History Museum have joined forces to scan the rare skeleton of the vaquita ...
The birds have been in an environmental updraft since the early 2000s, when the U.S. government took them off its endangered ...
Once abundant on Socorro Island, part of Mexico’s Revillagigedo Archipelago, the Socorro dove was last seen in the wild over 50 years ago.