They now run their own small businesses, selling their crops to local markets as well as to friends and connections in their ethnic communities.
A lot of people assume that veterans are "broken" or "damaged goods." But we're highly functional people focused on ...
Democratic U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine is seeking a third term to office this November while his Republican challenger, retired Navy ...
The United Nations Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS) briefs Somalia security partners on Somali Security Forces (SSF) Trust Fund ...
Navy SEAL Team 6 may be training Taiwanese forces for reconnaissance and missions to repel a Chinese invasion, former Navy ...
The country has been torn apart by more than 30 years of overlapping conflicts - including an Islamist insurgency, a civil ...
The Foreign Office has issued a warning to British tourists travelling to Kenya and holidaying in Africa - with three dates ...
Even as the FBI investigates Minnesota autism centers, a former autism center employee says nobody followed up on her fraud ...
Loomer is an unrepentant white nationalist and Islamophobe. Her evolution from fringe influencer to Trump campaign insider ...
At its 67th regular session in 2023, the Agency’s General Conference adopted resolution GC (67)/RES/14, entitled “Status of ...
The U.S. envoy's visit and statement are part of a broader diplomatic effort to ensure that the Ethiopia-Somaliland deal does ...
Tensions between Egypt and Ethiopia are nothing new and are typically rooted in water conflict. In 1959, Egypt signed the ...