Indian filmmaker Kiran Rao returns to film direction after a gap of more than a decade with her latest offering, the Hindi film Laapataa Ladies ... Bhaskar Jha and Sparsh Shrivastava in lead ...
Actor Sparsh Shrivastava, who essayed the role of Deepak in 'Laapataa Ladies', is currently on cloud nine as his film has been chosen as India's official entry for Oscars 2025. Directed by Kiran Rao ...
“Laapataa Ladies was a very different scenario. I did a screen test for the film, but Kiran just said, ‘Sparsh Shrivastava is better for the part,’ and I agree with her. He was better suited ...
The film, currently in pre-production, will feature Sparsh Shrivastava as the villain and Meenakshi Chaudhary as the likely female lead. The plot involves exploration and discovery. Production ...