CLEVELAND (WJW) – The Cleveland Metroparks Zoo is getting ready to introduce guests to its newest tiny resident. A female ...
CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) - Starting Tuesday, the public can help pick the name of the new female sloth bear cub at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. Make a donation at to cast your ...
There’s a new baby at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo after the birth of a female sloth bear cub late last year -- and now you ...
March 13 (UPI) --The San Diego Zoo announced the birth of a sloth pup, the first of its species ... Odd News // 1 day ago First brown bear to undergo brain surgery wakes from hibernation March ...
A grizzly old time is being had at the Ohio zoo as staff tend to a newborn sloth bear and drum up help for what to name her.
An unusual bear cub is in Cleveland, just waiting for you to find her a name. The Cleveland Metroparks Zoo announced Tuesday that a sloth bear cub was born back in December. The unnamed female cub ...
CLEVELAND, Ohio — A female sloth bear cub was born at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, which is now holding a vote allowing residents to name the new arrival. A news release from the zoo says the sloth ...
This adorable baby sloth bear cub was born just days before Christmas, but before she can make her debut, she needs a name!