A two-point edge for Ms. Harris over Mr. Biden isn’t much, but she’s polled ahead of him in Times/Siena polling before. She outran Mr. Biden in Times/Siena polling of six battleground states last November, as a sliver of young and nonwhite voters backed the vice president but not Mr. Biden. That’s the source of her relative advantage yet again.
About this data Note: Individual poll results are shown as circles for each candidate. Polls with greater weight in the average have larger circles. Some state averages started later in 2024 because of a lack of sufficient early polling. Source: Averages by The New York Times; polls collected by FiveThirtyEight and The Times.
Results of a New York Times/Siena College poll conducted in Virginia among 661 registered voters from July 9 to 12, 2024.
The polls, taken before the assassination attempt on Donald J. Trump, found President Biden trailing Mr. Trump in Pennsylvania, a swing state critical to his re-election hopes, and slightly ahead in Virginia,
The state has voted for the Democratic nominee for president for two decades. But a new poll shows a loss of support, and some fed-up voters are considering alternatives.