Migration Dialogue was founded in 1994 to provide reliable and timely analysis of the immigration issues, especially farm labor and agriculture. Immigrants are almost three-fourths of US crop workers, ...
Under the 1998 Santiago Summit of the Americas Declaration, the United States and other Western Hemisphere nations affirmed their commitment to "make special effort to guarantee the human rights of ...
Smuggling is one of the world’s oldest professions. When nation states established borders and sought to regulate traffic across them, they created markets for the smuggling of humans as well as goods ...
Click here to view the PowerPoint presentation: Immigration Patterns: U.S. & California ...
Item six of the 1998 Santiago Summit of the Americas Plan of Action affirms the commitment of Western Hemisphere governments to recognize the rights of citizenship and nationality of the children of ...
Health Care Access in California’s Mexican Immigrant Communities..... 2 MSSA Name..... 3 Population (1990)..... 3 Foreign-born workers are now recognized to be the secret ingredient of the one of the ...
One of the most significant trends in farm labor relations is the increasing importance of farm labor contractors (FLCs). There are many reasons for this, the most important being the way FLCs ...
This paper uses 2000 Census of Population data to explore trends in immigration, incomes and poverty in 66 rural California towns and to seek explanations for these trends. New census data indicate ...
Farm labor contracting, according to the Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Protection Act, is the recruiting, soliciting, hiring, employing, furnishing, or transporting any migrant or seasonal ...
Concern over labor is one of the most persistant topics in California agriculture. As we enter the Twenty-first Century, the questions of the nature of future California agricultural employment, who ...
Rural Migration News summarizes and analyzes the most important migration-related issues affecting immigrant farm workers in California and the United States during the preceding quarter. Topics are ...
1. Both grower and farmworker(s) have a mutual interest in resolving employment disputes locally in a speedy and inexpensive manner. 2. Mediation is voluntary, confidential, and informal. It is not ...